Software for municipal lawyers

Software for municipal lawyers

Software for municipal lawyers

Teleforum For® is the innovative software by EUforLEGAL for municipal lawyers that provides a complete and flexible management of legal proceedings across the entire legal, extrajudicial and judicial process.

With Teleforum For®, municipal lawyers can finally use the resources introduced in the management of disputes, thereby simplifying the constant tracking and updating of the litigation, to certify the adequacy of provisions, meet the needs of auditing bodies, and more.

#management of any form of litigation

#issuing written opinions from the lawyers

#management of contracts

#constant monitoring of file status

#simplified management of all documentary assets

#control of assignments to lawyers

#planning of office and court deadlines

#management of costs, risk of loss and legal costs

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Teleforum For® is natively integrated with the Telematic Process (Filing and Consultation) but can also be purchased a standalone.

It can be easily integrated with other municipal systems and with external databases (currently integrated with databases of Il Sole24ore and Italgiure).
It is available in Cloud for municipalities with up to 10 lawyers, and On-Premise (installed in the information systems) for municipalities with more than 10 lawyers.

TELEFORUM FOR ®  è un prodotto e un marchio registrato EUFORLEGAL 

PARTITA IVA 15957891003